
Andrea Kalinová graduated with an MA degree from the Studio of Fine-Art Photography under the supervision of Milota Havránková at the Department of Photography and New Media, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (VŠVU) and got her PhD. at the Department of Intermedia and Multimedia VŠVU under the supervision of Anton Čierny. She initiated the Abandoned (re)creation platform. She deals with the overlap between art and activism, focused mainly on saving 20th century architecture. She dealt with this topic also in her dissertation thesis called “Arts Strategies as Methods to Support and Protect Endangered Architectural Monuments”. In 2018 she finished a documentary called “Off Season” about the Machnáč sanatorium in Trenčianske Teplice. She co-authored the Care Architecture, Off Season and C20: Guide to the Architecture of Trenčianske Teplice books.

from 2011 running project 
from 2020

2019 Photographer of the year, Central European House of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia
2019 Anual award of magazine Monuments and Museums – cultural heritage revue, in the category film/video/audio/multimedia for movie Off season
2019  Felix Schoeller Photo Award – shortlist
2015 2nd price Photo of the year, national competition for young professional photographers, VUB foundation
2008 Mio Photo Award, Honorary Award, Osaka, Japan
2007 Essl Award, 1st price, Essl Museum, Austria

art residencies
Sorry No Rooms Available, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Caucasus Cinema, Georgia
2022 Wilderness as Archive, Aqtusheti, Omalo, Georgia
2021 Aqtusheti, Omalo, Georgia
2019 TROJICA AIR, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
2018 NS 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia
2018 ADATA AIR, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2015 Artist in Residence, GeoAir Tbilisi, Georgia
2014 Artist in Residence, Museums Quartier 21 Vienna, Austria
2014 Visegrad Artist Residency Program, Futura: Centrum pro současné umění, Prague, CZ
2014 Artist in Residence, ORTE – Architekturnetzwerk Niederösterreich, Krems an der Donau, Austria
2013 Le Ville Matte, Villasor, Sardinia, Italy
2009 Visegrad Artist Residency Program, Impex, Budapest, Hungary

2010 – 2014 Academy of Fine Arts and Desig in Bratislava, doctor studies (Prof. Anton Čierny), dissertation work: ARTS STRATEGIES AS METHODS TO SUPPORT AND PROTECT ENDANGERED ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS
2011 – 2012 Hungary University of Fine Arts, (Intermedia, Prof. Janos Sugar) Budapest, Hungary
2007-2008 University of the Aegean, Cultural Technology and Communication, Mitilini, Greece
2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, SK Department of Intermedia and Multimedia (Studio “IN”, Prof. Ilona Németh)
1999-2006 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, SK (Studio of Photography, Prof. Milota Havránková)

The last inhabitants of Friendship Sanatorium (working title), feature documentary movie,  postproduction, premiere 2025
Photo with a dictator, documentary, 6′, 2023
Off season, documentary movie, 35′, 2018
The Secret of One Swimming Pool, mockumentary, 25´, 2006

working on C20: Guide to the architecture of Uzhgorod – publish in 2025
C20: Guide to the architecture of Tskaltubo, ISBN: 978-80-973915-1-5
Bratislavské moderné fontány, (ISBN: 978-80-973915-0-8)
Caring Architecture (Slovak Spa architecture of 20th century), ISBN: 978-80-972341-5-7
Off season, ISBN: 978-80-972341-3-3
C20: Guide to the architecture of Trenčianske Teplice, ISBN: 9788097234119

solo exhibitions
2024 Last snow, Artwall, Prague CZ
2024 Vaclav Havel on Pohoda 2008, ArtCafe Banská Štiavnica, SK
2023 Displaced archive, Sanatorium Medea, Tskaltubo, Georgia
2022 Last snow, Hájovňa – Červená studňa, Nasuti festival, Banská Štiavnica, SK
Projekt Tatry, A7 Gallery, Banská Bystrica, SK
Permanent recreation, Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Literature, Tbilisi, Georgia (with Martin Zaiček and Paula Ďurinová)
The Neighbours, Svilara Cultural Station, Novi Sad, Serbia
Permanent recreation, Gallery Medium, Bratislava (with Martin Zaiček and Paula Ďurinová)
Forsaken Utopias, Knoll Gallery Wien / Gans Galerie, Vienna, Austria / Gallery UMELKA, Bratislava, SK / Budapest Galéria, Hungary (with Moni K. Huber and Nemes Csaba)
Hot Modern, Elektrárňa, Piešťany, SK (as abandoned (re)creation, with Peter Kuzmin and Martin Zaiček)
LOKOKINO – Monument for Mziuri Memory, Mziuri park, Tbilisi, Georgia (with Martin Zaiček)
Abandoned (re)creation, Gallery SUMEC, Bratislava, SK
Short family happiness, Karlín Studios, Prague, Czech Republik
Abandoned (re)creation, A.M. 180 gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Abandoned (re)creation, Platform 1-12, Topoľčany, Slovakia
Zóna, Gallery Enter, Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovak Institute in Rome, Rome, Italy (with Jaro Varga)
“Erweiterungen” Weinklang, Lackenbach, Austria
Month of Photography, Slovenské Národné Múzeum-Podhradie, Bratislava, SK
Andrea Kalinová and Soňa Patúcová, 35mm Gallery, Bratislava, SK

group exhibition
Dva príbehy: Machnáč a Merina, Považská galéria umenia, Žilina, SK
Døkument 2020, Gallery of M.A. Bazovský, Trenčín, SK
Stopover – Ways of Temporary Exchange, MuseumsQuartier Wien, AT
Autostop, ZK/U Center for Art and Urbanistics, Berlin, Germany
KÚ, Flatgallery, Bratislava, SK
Small Big World,, Bratislava
VUB Photo of year 2015, Hviezdoslavovo nám., Bratislava, SK
Mo(nu)ments of the city: Bratislava, Gallery Gagarinka, Bratislava, SK
Art Has No Alternative,, Bratislava
The Need for Practice,, Bratislava
Diversity Required, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2013 LIKE IT!, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg / Wien, A
Le Ville Matte, Villasor, Sardinia
Medzicentrum IV, Spots, Košice 2013, Slovakia
Ready, Set, Go!, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, SK
Abandoned (re)creation 2012, Bunka for contemporary culture, Nitra
Re-public Space, Railway station Košice, Refresh 89, Košice
FADE IN – atelier APK +, PF01 Gallery, Bratislava
Yeasty Medium, Slovak photography 1990-2010, Mesiac fotografie 2010, Dom umenia, Bratislava
ATLANTIS, Hidden Histories – New Identities, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK
DOOR, Hala C, Prague, CZ
Mio Photo Award, Osaka, Japan
SUPER Hi-Fi STEREO VIDEO, Galéria mladých, Nitra, SK
Essl Award, Kunstforumostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg, Germany
Essl Award Winners, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg / Wien, A
“Glocal girls”, Prague Biennale 3, Praha, CZ
“Good Year”, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK / Cinematik, Piešťany, SK
10 Essl Award Nominees, Galéria Medium, Bratislava, SK
2005 Res publica, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2003 Glokality, Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK

Essl Collection, Albertina Museum Wien, A